If you see content in our website that you believe violates the law or your rights, please let us know.
If you locate a copyrighted material that belongs to you and has been published on this website (lsr.gr) without your authorization, we would like to assure you that it was not done intentionally, nor in order to infringe on your rights.
Please contact us immediately to request its removal, indicating exactly the content of the infringement. If you wish to grant us permission to use your content under specific conditions, you are welcome to inform us about them, so we can reach an agreement. In any case we’ll review your request as soon as possible and take all necessary action to ensure that we don’t violate any law or copyright.
We would also like to inform you that we do not bear any responsibility for content that exists on third-party websites, who have published or used works that infringe your copyrights and to whom we may link to. If this is the case, please contact the administrators of these sites directly.